I have a ______ thing…

So I started this blog with foods that I don’t like. Maybe not a super positive note, but it did correspond to my tagline, so I thought it was clever. 🙂 I think now would be a good time to get rid of the negative vibe around here though, and let you know what I DO like. Although, that would be a REALLY long post, so I’m going to do the foods that are my absolute favorite. That I have problems with. I already started calling it a ____ thing though, so we’re going to go with that. Let me present you with: My food weaknesses, in no particular order.

I have a cheese thing. This is actually probably deserving of its first spot on the list. I have a SERIOUS cheese thing. Once upon a time, I thought I was lactose intolerant, which is a different and unimportant story, but I was VERY concerned about my prospects of not being able to eat cheese. Fortunately, I’m not, and that was probably the best day of my life. A lot of people give up dairy, and that is something I will NEVER do.* I have a constant supply of cheese in my fridge. My main specialty, before starting to cook more, was just adding random fancy cheeses to basic dishes and making them amazing. One day I discussed eating cheese with hubby, and I thought I hadn’t eaten any that day…and then realized I had cheese every single meal. I don’t really think a day goes by that I don’t eat cheese. Furthermore, I have a THING for goat cheese. Put goat cheese with a menu item, and I will probably order it. If you would like to discuss types of cheeses/recommendations, send me a message! I might do a post on it later though.

I have a berry thing. I actually love most fruits, but my only “problem” is berries. If I get some berries at a farmers’ market, I will literally inhale them at a rate of about 1 pint per 2 minutes. I will also almost always order a menu item with berries. I’m from Portland, Oregon, and fortunately for me then but unfortunately for me now, Oregon has the BEST berries. If you are ever there in late May-early June, GET SOME HOOD STRAWBERRIES! I swear to you, there are none better. Fortunately for me now, I can get berries year-round in San Diego, but they’re just not quite as good. Close though. Still delicious enough for me to devour them though. 🙂

I have a bacon thing. Again, if it has bacon, I will probably order it. I’m a bit picky on my bacon strips that I eat though, they have to be cooked just right (not too soft, not too crispy), and I will only buy natural bacon. Bacon can be pretty bad for you, but if you get the right kind, it’s actually good for you. Maybe I will do a post on that later too. 🙂 Chocolate with bacon is delicious, FYI.

I have a buffalo thing. Buffalo wings, that is, but put the sauce on other things and it’s usually pretty good. I’ve had buffalo chicken pizzas, buffalo mac and cheese, etc. We had wings at our wedding, which everyone thought was amazing, in case you were wondering. 🙂 They came from the best wing restaurant ever, which also, unfortunately, is in Portland. It is called Fire on the Mountain. We have been in search of the best wings in San Diego, and so far the best is Dirty Birds, but they don’t measure up to FOTM. Go there if you go to Portland and you like wings.

I have a Sriracha thing. There are many different opinions on the sauce, but I have loved it since before it was “a thing”. We also have a constant supply of it, and it is our go-to spicy flavoring for things. It does tend to make things just taste like Sriracha, so I do try to only use it when something really needs flavor, or something that isn’t fancy (like chicken and rice) and it’s not offensive if I drench it in Sriracha. 🙂 I kind of have a Chef Boyardee ravioli thing, which I’m not going to list separately because it’s a guilty pleasure and I don’t have it that often, but one time I got a double stuffed kind, which tasted TERRIBLE and nothing like the original, so I just dumped Sriracha in it so that it just tasted like Sriracha.

I have a cilantro thing. I have said that cilantro is the best thing ever invented, although I know nobody invented it. Whoever decided to eat it though…genius. I will DUMP cilantro on my tacos and burritos and whatever else I choose to put it on. Santa even put some cilantro in my stocking last Christmas. 🙂

I have a St. Germain thing. You know, the elderflower liquer? I don’t always drink alcohol, but when I do, I prefer St. Germain. 🙂 In general, I love fruity, flowery drink (including mimosas), but if I’m looking at a list of fruity, flowery drinks and one of them has St. Germain, I’ll probably order it (as long as nothing gross is with it). I have a supply of that too…except hubby has discovered the joys of it too and drinks all of it!

I have a tea thing. I am one of apparently very few Americans that can’t stand coffee. However, I balance the rest of you with my excessive tea consumption. I have a whole shelf in our pantry just for tea, and it is stacked double high in some areas. I have a juice thing too, but my body doesn’t like juice, so I try to be good and not drink it, and water is too boring, so I basically just drink tea. I have also graduated from basic brewing and steeping methods to an electric teapot that I can set the temperature on, and I will say that it actually does make a huge difference if you brew and steep your tea the way it’s supposed to be done. Maybe I can write a post on that too! All these excellent post ideas! 🙂

Those are the main ones. As I said at the beginning, I like A LOT of different foods, so this post is limited to my biggest food weaknesses, or MOST loved foods. What are yours?

*I realize that some people HAVE to give up dairy for medical reasons, and that is a terrible thing, and I am very thankful that I do not.

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